Bus route timetable 619 - Newton to Mary MacKillop College | Adelaide Metro (School Service - Torrens Transit) | Adelaide

Below you can check the most updated bus schedule for line 619 - Newton to Mary MacKillop College

Route: 619 - Newton to Mary MacKillop College
Description: School service, operates school days only. Servicing Charles Campbell College, Norwood International High School, Loreto College, Marryatville High School and Mary MacKillop College. Travels via Athelstone, Paradise, Campbelltown and Tranmere
Type: Bus
Agency: Adelaide Metro (School Service - Torrens Transit)
Disclaimer: Traffic conditions and weather can affect running time.

A,B... A letter next to the time identifies a route, click on the time to see the route.

Timetable towards Mary MacKillop (School Bus)

Bus times departuring from: (click below to change)
If you do not find the desired stop, use the nearest one as a reference.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

  • 07:19 A